
The Bay Lake Property Owners Association (BLPOA) was established in 1981and it is important to point out some of the benefits of membership.  Many years ago, a group of Bay Lake cottage owners recognized a need for an Association to act on their behalf to protect the health and well-being of our lake.  It is even more vital today that property owners take an active interest in issues that affect our community.  Your executive, made up of volunteers,  has been busy with many substantive issues, as well as re-examining the reasons for our existence.  Refer to our Mission Statement on the Home Page.
The following are some of the benefits you receive  for your membership dollars:

•  Comprehensive water testing.  (e.g.  E-coli, phosphorous, clarity etc.)

•  Benthic testing.  (ensuring a beneficial mix of aquatic creatures in our lake)

•  Liaising with the MNR, MoE and Perry Township when required.

•  Promoting our community with annual events.

•  Communications.       (Quarterly Newsletters, Informative interactive website, E-mail notifications)

•  The ability to have your say, and vote on issues at the Annual General Meeting..

Membership in BLPOA is open to all permanent and seasonal residents of Bay Lake.  Your property is a major investment, and BLPOA works on your behalf to protect it by preserving its natural environment.

If you have already renewed your membership for the current year (Jan 1st – Dec 31st) THANK YOU!

If you would like to join, or renew your membership, please send an e-transfer for $50.00 to  

Alternately, you can send a cheque for $50.00 to the following address….

BLPOA  18 Peter Street, PO Box 120,  Novar,  ON.  P0A 1R0

or in person to any executive member, or at any of the Association’s Events.

Your receipt is your membership card, which will be mailed or given to you in person.

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