


AS AMENDED  January, 2024


The Bay Lake Property Owners Association was founded in 1981 by Bay Lake residents for the purpose of improving environmental conditions and to work for their common goals and needs.  The Association concerns itself with interests that may contribute to the health, comfort, pleasure, safety and security of those living seasonally or permanently on the lake.  All members are encouraged to reflect the general feeling of their Lake and to bring their needs and thoughts to the attention of the Association.


The association shall be known as the Bay Lake Property Owners Association.


The Bay Lake Property Owners Association shall be representative of the area known as Bay Lake in the Township of Perry in Parry Sound District, which is represented as part or all of Concession 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the Township.



Membership in the Bay Lake Property Owners Association is governed by the following rules:

  1. There can be a maximum of two voting members per property.
  2. The voting members can be:

(a)          The owners or owner and spouse,


(b)         Any immediate family member(s) designated by the owner and spouse.

  1. The member(s) noted in 2(b) must be designated in writing at the time of application for that specific year by the owners or owner and spouse.
  2. The full amount of the annual dues shall be submitted to any member of the Executive at any time or at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  3. Upon acceptance of the application, the applicant becomes a member.
  4. Membership remains in effect as long as the annual dues are paid.  Any membership deemed by the Executive to be in default of dues shall lapse.  Membership may be reinstated by application to the Executive with full payment of dues.
  5. The amount of the annual dues is to be recommended by the Executive and approved by a two-thirds majority at the AGM.


The funds of the Association shall be in the keeping of the Treasurer who shall deposit these funds into an account in a financial institution and shall make payments for the Association by cheque on the said account, with the exception of petty cash payments for which the Treasurer shall account by voucher.

The Executive will designate signing officers with all cheques to be signed by any two (2) of these signing officers.

The Bay Lake Property Owners Association is a non-profit organization.  Funds derived by the Association by way of dues, donations or fund raising activities will be used to cover the expenses of the Association.

Financial Year

The Fiscal year and Membership Term shall commence January 1ST through to December 31st.


An Executive consisting of a minimum of eleven (11) members and a maximum of nineteen (19) members shall be chosen by election at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association.  Only members of the Association are allowed to vote and or stand for election to the Executive.  Members who cannot attend the AGM and wish to stand for election must so indicate in writing to the current Executive before the election at the AGM.

At the first subsequent meeting of the Executive, the five (5) positions of President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary And Treasurer, will be elected from this group of people.  Where more than one candidate is nominated for one of these positions, the election shall be by secret ballot.

A Quorum shall consist of the greatest of 50% of its current members or five (5) members.

Any member of the Executive who misses 2 consecutive meetings without providing the Executive with reasons may be voted off the Executive by the remaining members.  The Executive may replace members without an election.

In the event that one of the five Executive positions becomes vacant, a successor will be named by a majority vote of the remaining Executive panel.  This position could be filled by any paid-up member of the Bay Lake Property Owners Association.

Annual General Meeting (Agm)

The AGM of the Association shall be held within two (2) months of the Association year-end, the exact date being set by the Executive.  Annual reports shall be presented and an open session shall allow for new business to be presented from the floor.  At least two (2) weeks notice shall be given to the members concerning the holding of the AGM.

New motions from the floor involving an expenditure of more than $100.00 must be referred to the incoming Executive for discussion and/or action unless they have previously been presented to the Executive and published in the last newsletter prior to the AGM.


Each member is entitled to one (1) vote at the AGM, with a maximum of two (2) votes per property.  Members may vote by written proxy.

All motions shall be decided be a simple majority on a show of hands basis, with the exception of motions to change the annual dues or amend the Constitution, which require a two-thirds majority.

Standing Committees

The Executive may appoint standing committees as required, for example but not limited to, Pollution, Water Quality Control, Fishing, Recreational Safety, Fire Protection and Back Lot Subdividing, etc.


Amendments to the Constitution may only be made at the AGM or at any General Meeting called by the Executive.  All members must be notified at least two (2) weeks in advance of the meeting and any amendments must be carried by at least two-thirds majority vote.

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