

Welcome to the website of the Bay Lake Property Owners Association

Bay Lake is located in the Almaguin Highlands region.  The lake is approximately 2 .5 km. long, and gets its name from the distinctive single large bay on the west side of the lake.  We are about 10 minutes east of the Town of Novar in the Township of Perry and about 20 minutes north of Huntsville.

Founded in 1981, our lake association volunteers raise funds to pay for comprehensive and e-coli testing of the lake waters, host community events and share educational information with our members.  Our work is supported by annual dues and donations and by profits from our annual Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction which our members have put on every spring on the Victoria Day weekend in May for many years.

Lets keep in touch!

We invite you to visit our website often to stay informed about BLPOA’s activities and the issues that impact cottage owners and residents of Bay Lake.

To navigate, use the Links immediately under the photograph to move to different pages – the Home page, the Environment page, etc.

What Can I Do To Help?

We are always seeking help with Volunteers, new Members, and fundraising activities.  Please visit these pages to see what YOU can do to help!

Water testing on Bay Lake is costly, you can help us with the cost of e-coli testing by Adopting a Testing Site.   Please click “Water Testing” on the Environment tab to check availability.


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