
BLPOA Annual Events

Annual General Meeting

Date:  TBD
Time: 9 am – Noon
Where: Emsdale Community Centre – Perry Township

What Happens:

  • Have your say about the business of the BLPOA.
  • Special presentations about issues that affect our lake.
  • The mayor is usually there to speak and answer questions.
  • You can pay your membership dues and/or buy Bay Lake merchandise.
  • Win door prizes!
  • Coffee and TimBits in abundance….

Spring Pitch-In Day

Date:   TBD
Time: 9:00 am
Where: The Boat Ramp

What Happens:

  • We go out in groups around the lake picking up trash.
  • Garbage is sorted back at the Boat Ramp.
  • We’re usually done by 11:30, so it’ll only take a couple of hours out of your day.
  • All participants will receive a free ticket for one Pancake Breakfast at the BLPOA Pancake Breakfast event in May.
  • You can pay your membership dues.

Pancake Breakfast

Date:  2025 – TBD
Time: 9:30 – Noon
Where: Emsdale Community Centre – Perry Township

What Happens:

  • A chance to get to know your neighbours and enjoy pancakes and sausages for breakfast – at a VERY reasonable price.
  • An opportunity to become a member and pay your membership dues.
  • 50/50 draw and door prize
  • Shop for Bay Lake merchandise and/or participate in the Silent auction.

Benthic Testing

Date: TBD….
Time: 9am – Noon
Where: The Boat Ramp

What Happens:

  • Join a team of volunteers to count microscopic bugs from the lake bottom.
  • Under the supervision of a Biomonitoring Technician from the District of Muskoka
  • This is more educational and fun than it sounds.

Why is this important:  Click Here.

Autumn Corn Roast

Date:  Aug or Sept 2024 – Date and Location to be announced Mid – Summer

Time: 6 pm – 9pm     – Free for BLPOA members & guests.
Where:   TBD          -Ample parking for your car or boat.

What happens:

  • Mingle and meet new and old Bay Lakers around an open air fire.
  • Corn-on-the-cob, hot dogs and chili.
  • Soft drinks & coffee
  • Pay your annual membership dues.